PDFEncrypt is a free, open-source native Windows app that allows you to password protect (encrypt) PDF files for free, without purchasing expensive software.
Latest version: 1.1.8462.22528, released in 2023
SHA1SUM: cf094f87d8c326e43d5cd9805d51c33544cbfe54
Download Installer without .Net Framework
SHA1SUM: 936ffe41d184de5f5fbb5fd4e2e65f9f63b1efb1
SHA1SUM: 73e8cba5a633b4b31455d02e77c99d77e5cd027a
This app uses the iTextPDF open source library for encryption operations, and is released under the AGPL license. Complete source code is available on GitHub, and you can download the installer for Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 below.
New release: command line arguments, owner password
Command-line arguments The latest release includes support for command-line arguments. This feature allows PDFEncrypt to be fully automated and incorporated into existing user workflows. The following command-line options are available: -i [input filename] or...
Our first reciprocal ad
We are excited to announce that we have made our first reciprocal ad agreement. The footer ad appearing at the bottom of each page is displayed in association with an unpaid, reciprocal-link agreement with LockLizard, who provides DRM solutions for secure document...
Download the latest version
Get the most recent version of PDFEncrypt to gain access to the latest features and updates.
Get the source code
PDFEncrypt is a free, open-source application. The source code is available on GitHub.
PDFEncrypt is popular worldwide!
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Need Stronger Protection?
For stronger protection than passwords, use Locklizard PDF DRM to protect your PDF files from copying & sharing.

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