This is the official, original version of PDFEncrypt by the original author, Ryan Griggs. Please note that all other versions are forks and may not respect or comply with the core principles of privacy and freedom held by the original author.

Privacy policy

The app does not collect or transmit any information about you or your PC.  However, when you visit the PDFEncrypt website, due to the nature of Internet communication protocols, our servers may be able to see your public IP address (depending on your network configuration).  This is true for all websites you visit.  Also, we use third-party analytics on the site (Google Analytics) which may gather additional information about site visitors.

Any information you submit on the site, including subscribing to newsletters or communicating with us for support, will not be sold, rented, or otherwise provided to any third party except as may be required by law.

Feedback collected on this site is used to help me understand how and where the app is being used.  We don’t share any of your feedback information with any third party. You’re not required to submit feedback, but I would appreciate if you do, as it helps me understand how and where the app is being used, and encourages me to keep making it better!



Consider A Donation

PDFEncrypt is a completely free, open-source application dedicated to providing document security. This application and site are maintained by a single developer, Ryan Griggs, at his own personal expense.

If PDFEncrypt is helpful to you, please consider donating to help keep it going.

Thank you very much!